In a quiet corner of Perkasie, Pennsylvania, lives a remarkable Australian shepherd named Raina. At 13 years old, Raina has experienced life in a way most of us can’t fathom. Born a double merle, she entered the world with a snowy white coat, no sight in her eyes, and no sound in her ears. Yet, if you think that’s slowed her down, think again.
Kristen Strouse, Raina’s devoted human companion, welcomed her into the family as a 6-month-old pup. Encountering Raina’s sweet face online was all it took for Kristen to know they were meant to be together. With an application to the Blind Dog Rescue Alliance and a heart full of love, Kristen embarked on a journey with Raina that would inspire not just her, but an entire community.
Raina settled into her new home with an eagerness that belied her challenges. Kristen’s other canine companions, including a German shepherd named Millie and several foster dogs, embraced Raina, helping her navigate her new surroundings with a comforting paw and a guiding nose.
But Raina’s story doesn’t end at home. Kristen, a music teacher, recognized Raina’s potential to inspire others and began integrating her into community and pet events. There, Raina became an ambassador, teaching people about the capabilities and full lives of dogs like her. Together, Kristen and Raina launched the Lending a Paw program, intertwining music and compassion through fundraising concerts.
As Raina aged gracefully into her elder years, her zest for life never waned. Swimming, hiking, and the simple joy of sniffing out treats filled her days with happiness. “Raina doesn’t let her disabilities stop her from living a quality, awesome life,” Kristen reflects. “She’s such a sweet, happy girl.”
Raina’s influence reaches far beyond her own world. Her presence in public, confidently following Kristen’s lead, opens eyes to the possibilities that exist beyond disability. “Everyone who meets her is so astounded by her. They realize that disability is not disabling,” Kristen says. “It means possibility.”
Raina’s impact isn’t just outward; it’s deeply personal too. In 2015, when Kristen faced her own health challenges, it was Raina’s unwavering spirit that became her beacon of hope and strength. “Raina really gave my life meaning and purpose, and she still does,” Kristen shares with heartfelt gratitude. “She’s always been there for me in the good times and not-so-good times.”
Raina’s story is a testament to the power of resilience, the strength of the canine spirit, and the unbreakable bonds we share with our furry friends. In Raina’s silence and darkness, she has brought light and joy to many, teaching us all that life’s obstacles are just opportunities in disguise.